Monday, 7 March 2011



Wat is dit met platkop?  Te hel met Afrikaans. Te hel met Stellenbosch.  Weer n skokkende uitspraak deur Anton Katz, die keer om in te meng met Bloemhof se skoolsake.  Kan Katz asseblief homself verskoon.  Hy sukkel met ons gemeenskap, en ek dink hy reken dis sy "passport to smoking pleasure".  Hoe is dit dat ons gemeenskap uitgelewer word aan die soort wetteloosheid wat Stellenbosch kenmerk die afgelope tyd, en dan word ons "kompenseer" met n gebrekkige intellek,  n man wat so oneerlik is dat hy leuens gebruik, dat hy moet lieg,  om  uitsprake te skep wat sy politieke meesters kan tevrede stel. Dis Anton Katz.

En Anton Katz het dit weer gedoen.

Die keer het hy Tahlitha teruggestuur Bloemhof toe,  en sy hoort nie daar nie. En Katz, bekend vir sy lafhartige uitsprake, sy ondeurdagte redenasies en die emosioneel-sentimentele histerie waarmee hy homself as n soort groot man in die juridiese tradisie probeer voorhou,   iemand wat alreeds deur ons gemeenskap as n gevaar vir ons toekoms beskou word,  word weer eens toevertrou daarmee om die ANC se spiere vir ons te wys.

Stellenbosch staan vir n idee. En die idee is deesdae die idee dat ons as n gemeenskap gefaal het, en nou waardeloos is. Daarom die misdaad,  die  moord en doodslag  in ons skole en universiteit, in ons huise en strate. En daarom dat Anton Katz van buite af ingestuur word deur sy fascistiese base: sien die Afrikaners daar, die windgatte met hulle duur SUV's, die blondekop kindertjies waarvan die wynkenner paar jaar terug so minagtend na ons verwys het,  Fok hulle !

 Nie om die wet toe te pas nie. Nie om reg te laat geskied nie, maar om n kort mannetjie sonder hare, met n psigologiese geneigdheid tot narcisme en histrionisie gedrag,  te kry om ons polities te onderdruk. Terug te kry. Klap n Stellenbosser. Klap die elite van die ou Suid-Afrika, en kom haal jou badge.

Vir mense soos Katz, wat onder die indruk van hul eie grootheid verkeer,  met hulle sentimentele gesiggies al buigend  voor die Keiser se hoed,  terwyl hulle  Here Here skreeu in die strate maar nooit kniel in die binnekamer nie, vir sulke opportuniste is die nuwe Suid Afrika seker n paradys. Klap n scapegoat, klap n Stellenbosser,  en kry n chocolate.

Ons moet netwerk, en mense soos Katz nie net van die regbank af weghou nie,  maar baie baie seker maak dat hy nie betrokke word of baat vind deur werk te kry as advokaat onder ons nie.

Die uitspraak teen Bloemhof, is weer eens n simbool van die man se intensie. Lees hieronder van Talitha en die blootstelling wat Katz ons kinders in Bloemhof wil gee.

Lekker slaap ANTON!

Back to school, Talitha

Model schoolgirl beats expulsion

Mar 1, 2011 12:29 AM | By NASHIRA DAVIDS

A 17-year-old matric pupil will return to her posh Stellenbosch school today after being expelled two months ago for, among other things, posting pictures of herself on Facebook.

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I'LL BE BACK: Talitha Jonkers poses for her modelling portfolio posted on Facebook. Ho�r Meisieskool Bloemhof claimed pictures of Jonkers posted on her Facebook profile brought the school into disrepute Picture: LARRY ENGLISH
I'LL BE BACK: Talitha Jonkers poses for her modelling portfolio posted on Facebook. Ho�r Meisieskool Bloemhof claimed pictures of Jonkers posted on her Facebook profile brought the school into disrepute Picture: LARRY ENGLISH
quote 'I want to prove to them that I will pass matric and pass it well' quote

Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof claimed that pictures of Talitha Jonkers posted on her Facebook profile brought the school into disrepute. The pictures were taken for her modelling portfolio last year.
But Talitha's mother - single mother of four Chantelle Relker - refused to accept the expulsion and appealed. When she failed, she dragged the school and Western Cape education MEC Donald Grant to court.
The case, in which allegations of racism were made, has been used as a political football in the province ahead of the local government elections.
"On November 15, I was called to [the] school by the principal, Wilna van Heerden, who said I should put Talitha into a coloured school," Relker alleged.
Besides posting pictures on Facebook, other charges levelled against Talitha were intimidation and victimising another child.
Said Talitha: "They didn't elaborate on the charges, but as I understand I was apparently guilty of making fun of a girl's big tooth. I didn't do that! It was also said that I was jealous of her long hair."
Teachers, other witnesses, the principal and the head girl attended her disciplinary hearing.
"That is when we heard for the first time that they took exception to the Facebook photographs. This is because she lists Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof as her school. I have no problems with the pictures. There are young models who pose naked. I am very proud of my daughter and she did nothing wrong," said Relker.
Mother and daughter claim they were not given the chance to state their case and Talitha was expelled
On Friday, the case was settled in the Cape Town High Court. Acting Judge Anton Katz set aside the expulsion, ordering that the governing body start a case against her again if they wanted to.
Governing body chairman Erhard Wolf said in a statement that the school had decided to "offer to pay part of the legal costs" that her family incurred.
Talitha and her mother said they were harassed and endured racial abuse. But she vowed to put on a brave face at school today.
"I want to prove to them that I will pass matric and I will pass it well. I have a disadvantage because I missed out so much. I even tried to commit suicide - but it isn't worth it. I will not let that get me down," she said.
Carol Beerwinkel of the ANC blasted education MEC Donald Grant, saying he "should be fired for the heavy-handed treatment this young girl received". Beerwinkel said her party "will take the matter further".
But Grant hit back, saying Beerwinkel and her party "seem determined to abuse the future of a young learner in order to score the cheapest of political points".