Friday, 25 February 2011

Wat? Is dit werklik al weer Anton Katz wat sy gebrek aan integriteit op skrif sit?

South Africa: International fugitives could exploit loophole in SA laws.

A loophole in South African laws means fugitives from justice, including former Liberian leader Charles Taylor, could hide out in South Africa without fear of being handed to an international court, according to a Business Day report. 

The report quotes Anton Katz, a member of the South African and New York Bars, as saying that despite the country's willingness to assist the International Criminal Court (ICC ), as the law stands any effort to hand over suspected criminals would be thwarted by 'clever lawyers' making use of weakness in the legislation. 

South Africa is a signatory of the Rome Statute, which led to the establishment of the ICC. Parliament last year also adopted legislation to incorporate the provisions of the Rome Statute into domestic law. However, the domestic legislation - the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - does not make provision for the surrender of a person accused of war crimes, genocide or crimes against humanity.
Full report in Business Day

Kan dit wees?  Dieselfde Katz wat Namibie toe is om Kobi Alexander te red en hier vir Harksen help red het? Wat moet ons hiervan maak?  Kan mens enige iets glo wat die vent kwytraak in die hof,  of is hy gewoon n hanswors wat soos n verkleurmannetjie verskillende  rolle speel, na gelang van waar hy bevoordeel sal word? Nou probeer hy n regter word, so dis die nuwe blaadjie?  Is dit hoe dinge behoort te werk?  

In die VSA word vorige posisies wat ingeneem is deeglik deurgewerk voor aanstellings gemaak word.  In Suid-Afrika is dit net ideologie wat tel.  Die vraag is egter, selfs vir n verrotte plek soos die,  of mens kan werk met regters wat absoluut opportunisties is en wat ook al verkondig as dit vir hulle goed is?  Watter deel van Katz is eg?  Dis onmoontlik om te beantwoord.